Saturday, February 24, 2007

Victoria's Secret Very Sexy Sparkling Lip Gloss

All this PW can say is, "Thank God I didn't have to pay for this!" I got a coupon in the mail that entitled me to get a free one and so I took them up on it. If you were starting to think that PW liked everything, this proves you wrong.
Where do I start? Shade selection is quite limited; there are 3 shades and of the 3, 2 of them are much too bright. It's way too sparkly for anyone over the age of 16.
As far as the cost, it's $12 if you're one of those unlucky people who weren't able to obtain a free coupon. If you can score this stuff for free, try it and see for yourself (and then Im sure you'll leave mean comment if you disagree) but all in all, I don't think it's a great product. This PW will leave it.
If after all of this you want it anyway, you can obviously pick up a tube at your friendly neighborhood Victoria's Sectret store.

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